How Much is a DTG Printer – What You Need to Know

Are you considering investing in a DTG printer? Wondering about the cost and what factors affect it? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the details of DTG printer pricing, ink and maintenance costs, profitability, and more. So, before you make a decision, let’s explore how much a DTG printer really costs and what you should consider.

Factors Affecting the Cost of a DTG Printer

When considering the cost of a DTG printer, there are several factors that can influence the overall price. These factors include the printer’s capabilities, print quality, speed, and compatibility with different garment types. Let’s take a closer look at each of these factors:

Printer Capabilities:

DTG printers come in a variety of models, ranging from entry-level to high-end options. Entry-level printers are designed for newcomers in the industry and may have limited features. They typically cater to light-colored garments and may not offer advanced capabilities like printing on dark garments. On the other hand, high-end models offer more versatility and can handle a wider range of garment types and colors.

Print Quality:

The print quality of a DTG printer is an important consideration. Higher-end models often provide superior print resolution and color accuracy, resulting in more vibrant and detailed prints. This can be especially crucial for businesses that prioritize high-quality and visually appealing designs.

Print Speed:

Print speed is another factor that can affect the cost of a DTG printer. Generally, higher-end models tend to have faster print speeds, allowing for quicker turnaround times and increased productivity. However, it’s important to note that faster print speeds may come at a higher price.

Compatibility with Garment Types:

Some DTG printers are specifically designed to handle certain types of garments, such as cotton or polyester. Others are more versatile and can print on a wide range of fabric materials. The compatibility of the printer with different garment types can impact its cost.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when choosing a DTG printer that aligns with your budget and requirements.

Ink and Maintenance Costs for DTG Printing

When it comes to DTG printing, one important consideration is the ongoing costs associated with ink and maintenance. The cost of DTG ink can vary depending on the brand and type of printer, with white ink often being more expensive than other colors. It’s worth noting that white ink is typically used as an under base for printing on dark-colored garments, which can contribute to higher ink consumption.

In addition to ink costs, regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring optimal print quality and prolonging the lifespan of your DTG printer. This includes tasks such as cleaning print heads, running regular maintenance cycles, and maintaining the overall condition of the machine. Neglecting maintenance can lead to clogged print heads, poor print quality, and potentially costly repairs.

To give you an idea of the potential costs involved, here’s a breakdown of the typical consumables and maintenance expenses for a DTG printer:

ItemApproximate Cost
DTG Ink (Per liter)$150 – $300
Cleaning Solution (Per liter)$50 – $100
Print Head Cleaning Swabs$10 – $20 (per pack)
Waste Ink Tank$50 – $100
Replacement Print Head$500 – $1,500

These costs may vary depending on the specific printer model and brand. It’s important to factor in these ongoing expenses when considering the overall cost of owning and operating a DTG printer. By properly maintaining your printer and managing ink consumption, you can help minimize these costs and ensure the longevity of your investment.

dtg printer ink cost

Additional Considerations

In addition to ink and maintenance costs, it’s worth considering other consumables that may be needed for DTG printing. This includes items like pretreatment solutions, which is applied to garments to ensure proper adhesion of the ink. Depending on the volume of printing, these additional consumables can contribute to the overall cost of DTG printing.

Furthermore, it’s important to budget for any necessary repairs or unexpected expenses that may arise during the lifespan of your DTG printer. Having a contingency fund in place can help alleviate the financial burden of unforeseen issues and ensure the continued operation of your printing business.

Overall, while DTG printing can offer convenience and versatility, it’s essential to carefully consider the ongoing ink and maintenance costs. By factoring in these expenses, you can make informed decisions about pricing, profitability, and the overall viability of DTG printing for your business.

ROI and Profitability with a DTG Printer

The profitability of investing in a DTG printer depends on several factors. Calculating returns on investment (ROI) involves considering the initial cost of the equipment, ongoing maintenance costs, labor expenses, and the revenue generated from printing orders. To maximize profitability, it is crucial to analyze these factors and make informed decisions.

Small-volume orders with complex artwork and customization tend to be more profitable with DTG printing. The ability to print full-color designs without the need for screens allows for greater flexibility and customization options. Additionally, DTG printing excels at accurately reproducing intricate details, gradients, and photographic images, which can be appealing to customers with specific design requirements.

However, it is important to note that larger volume orders may not always be as profitable with DTG printing compared to traditional screen printing. Screen printing can deliver faster production times for bulk orders, making it more cost-effective in certain scenarios. The durability and longevity of screen-printed designs also make it a preferred choice for high-volume orders.

To determine the profitability of using a DTG printer, it is essential to evaluate the specific needs of your business, the type of orders you receive, and the preferences of your target market. By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision on whether investing in a DTG printer is the right choice for your business.

Comparison of DTG and Screen Printing Profits

 DTG PrintingScreen Printing
Order VolumeSmall to MediumMedium to Large
Artwork ComplexityComplex and CustomizedSimple and Repetitive
Production TimeSlowerFaster
DurabilityVaries based on garment qualityLong-lasting
ProfitabilityHigh for small custom ordersHigh for large volume orders

Comparison of DTG and Screen Printing for Small Orders

When it comes to small orders of around 50 shirts with multiple colors, DTG printing offers significant advantages over screen printing. With DTG printing, there is no need for time-consuming setup or additional screens for each color, making it a more flexible and cost-effective option. The process is quick and efficient, allowing for the printing of complex artwork with vibrant colors and intricate details.

DTG printing is particularly well-suited for small orders with custom designs. Whether you’re creating personalized shirts for a small event or printing unique designs for a boutique, DTG printing can deliver high-quality results. The technology allows for precise color matching and the ability to print intricate designs, ensuring that every shirt is a true representation of your artistic vision.

The Advantages of DTG Printing for Small Orders:

  • No setup time or additional screens needed
  • Quick and efficient printing process
  • Vibrant colors and intricate details
  • Precise color matching
  • Ability to print complex and custom designs
dtg vs screen printing

With all these benefits, it’s clear why DTG printing is often the preferred choice for small orders. It offers the flexibility and versatility needed to bring your creative vision to life, while also providing a cost-effective solution for smaller print runs. Whether you’re printing shirts for a small business, event, or personal use, DTG printing is a reliable and efficient printing method that delivers professional results.

Comparison of DTG and Screen Printing for Large Orders

When it comes to large-volume orders, the choice between DTG (Direct-to-government) printing and screen printing requires careful consideration. While both methods have their advantages, screen printing generally proves to be more efficient and cost-effective for large orders.

Screen printing is well-suited for high-volume prints due to its ability to quickly reproduce designs on multiple garments. It offers excellent durability, making it ideal for large orders where long-lasting prints are required. This method involves creating screens for each color in the design, allowing for precise and consistent results. The setup time for screen printing may be longer compared to DTG printing, but once the screens are prepared, the production process becomes highly efficient.

On the other hand, DTG printing can be slower and may not provide the same level of durability as screen printing for large orders. However, DTG printing offers advantages in terms of its ability to handle complex artwork and produce vibrant colors. It eliminates the need for screens, allowing for quick customization and flexibility in printing multiple designs. DTG printing also offers a wide range of color options and the ability to print detailed images with intricate details.

Comparison of DTG and Screen Printing for Large Orders:

Comparison FactorsDTG PrintingScreen Printing
Print SpeedSlowerFaster
DurabilityMay not be as durable in the long runOffers excellent durability
Complex ArtworkHandles complex artwork wellCan be more challenging with intricate designs
Color OptionsWide range of color optionsCan reproduce vibrant colors
CustomizationAllows for quick customization and flexibilityRequires screen setup for each design

Overall, screen printing remains the preferred choice for large-volume orders due to its efficiency and durability. However, if the order requires complex artwork, vibrant colors, and quick customization, DTG printing can still be a viable option. It’s important to consider the specific requirements of the order and weigh the pros and cons of each printing method to make the best decision for your business.

Labor Costs in DTG Printing

Labor costs play a significant role in the overall expenses of operating a DTG printing business. In addition to staffing and payroll expenses, there are various tasks that require time and effort, impacting the labor costs involved.

One crucial aspect is the time spent on finding new customers and managing accounts. This includes marketing efforts, attending trade shows, and networking to attract potential clients. It’s essential to allocate resources for these activities to ensure a steady flow of orders.

Processing orders is another labor-intensive task. From receiving the artwork files and preparing them for printing to quality control and packaging, each step requires attention to detail and efficient workflow management. By streamlining these processes, businesses can optimize labor costs and improve their overall productivity.

It’s important to note that labor costs can vary depending on the size and operation of the DTG printing business. Smaller businesses may have fewer staff members and handle a lower volume of orders, while larger operations may require a larger workforce to manage higher order volumes.

Choosing Between DTG and Screen Printing

When deciding between DTG (Direct-to-government) printing and screen printing, it’s important to consider several factors that can impact your overall printing strategy. The choice ultimately depends on the complexity of the artwork, order volume, pricing strategy, and your profitability goals.

DTG Printing

DTG printing is a great option for small orders with custom designs. It offers more flexibility and cost-effectiveness compared to screen printing for these types of orders. With DTG printing, there is no need for screen setup time or additional screens for each color. This makes it ideal for printing complex artwork quickly and accurately. Whether you’re printing vibrant colors or intricate details, DTG printing can deliver exceptional results on a small scale.

Screen Printing

For large-volume orders with simpler designs, screen printing is generally more efficient and cost-effective. Screen printing allows for high-volume prints and offers excellent durability, making it a preferred choice for bulk orders. While DTG printing may be slower and less durable in the long run, screen printing excels in producing consistent results at a larger scale.

 DTG PrintingScreen Printing
Order VolumeIdeal for small ordersEfficient for large volume orders
Artwork ComplexityGreat for complex designsSimpler designs work best
Print SpeedSlower compared to screen printingCan handle high-volume prints quickly
DurabilityMay not be as durable in the long runProvides excellent durability

When choosing between DTG and screen printing, weigh the benefits and limitations of each method based on your specific business needs. Consider the intricacy of the designs you’ll be printing, the volume of orders you expect to receive, and your desired level of profitability. By making an informed decision, you can optimize your printing operations and achieve the best results for your business.

choosing between dtg and screen printing


After considering the various factors involved in owning a DTG printer, it is clear that the cost can vary significantly depending on the model and additional equipment required. The upfront investment can range from $10,000 to $250,000, and ongoing expenses such as ink and maintenance should be factored into the overall cost. However, despite the initial investment, DTG printing can be more profitable for small orders with complex artwork.

For businesses that specialize in customization and unique designs, DTG printing offers flexibility and cost-effectiveness. The ability to print intricate artwork without the need for screens makes it ideal for small orders of around 50 shirts. On the other hand, screen printing proves to be more efficient and cost-effective for large volume orders, thanks to its faster production times and durability.

In order to maximize profitability, labor costs and pricing strategies also need to be carefully considered. Labor costs include not only staffing expenses but also the time spent on administrative tasks. By understanding these costs and setting competitive prices, businesses can ensure the success of their DTG printing services.


1. How Much Does A DTG Printer Cost?

The upfront cost of a DTG printer can range from $10,000 to $250,000, depending on the model and capabilities.

2. What Factors Affect The Cost Of A DTG Printer?

The cost of a DTG printer is influenced by factors such as the printer’s capabilities, print quality, speed, and compatibility with different garment types.

3. How Much Do Ink And Maintenance For A DTG Printer Cost?

DTG ink can be expensive, and regular maintenance is required to ensure optimal print quality. These costs should be factored into the overall cost of owning a DTG printer.

4. How Do I Calculate The Profitability Of A DTG Printer?

The profitability of a DTG printer depends on factors such as order volume, pricing strategy, and operational efficiency. Returns on investment (ROI) can be calculated by comparing the cost of equipment, maintenance, labor, and ink to the revenue generated from printing orders.

5. Is DTG Printing Suitable For Small Orders?

Yes, DTG printing is more flexible and cost-effective for small orders with custom designs compared to screen printing.

6. Is DTG Printing Suitable For Large Orders?

Screen printing is generally more efficient and cost-effective for large-volume orders, while DTG printing is slower and may not be as durable in the long run.

7. What Are The Labor Costs In A DTG Printing Business?

Labor costs in a DTG printing business include staffing, payroll, and time spent on tasks such as finding new customers, managing accounts, and processing orders.

8. How Do I Choose Between DTG And Screen Printing?

The choice between DTG and screen printing depends on factors such as the complexity of the artwork, order volume, pricing strategy, and profitability goals. Consider the specific needs of your business and the preferences of your customers.

9. What Should I Consider Before Purchasing A DTG Printer?

Before purchasing a DTG printer, consider factors such as the upfront cost, capabilities, maintenance requirements, and overall profitability of your printing business.