How to Fix a Leaking Portable Air Conditioner: Common Causes and Solutions

Portable air conditioners are a great way to keep your home cool during hot summer days, but they can sometimes develop problems. One common issue that many people face with portable air conditioners is water leakage. If you are experiencing water leakage from your portable air conditioner, you may be wondering what causes it and how to fix it. In this blog post, we will discuss the most common causes of water leakage from portable air conditioners and provide some tips on how to fix the problem.

What Causes Water Leakage from Portable Air Conditioners?

1. Clogged Drainage System:

The most common cause of water leakage from portable air conditioners is a clogged drainage system. When the drainage system becomes clogged, water will start to accumulate in the unit and eventually leak out. The drainage system consists of a drain pan and a drain line. If either of these components becomes clogged, it can cause water leakage.

2. Dirty Air Filter:

A dirty air filter can also cause water leakage from a portable air conditioner. When the air filter is clogged with dirt and debris, it can reduce airflow, causing the evaporator coil to freeze. When the coil thaws, water will start to accumulate and eventually leak out of the unit.

3. Improper Installation:

Improper installation can also cause water leakage from a portable air conditioner. If the unit is not level, water can accumulate in certain areas and eventually leak out. Additionally, if the unit is not properly sealed, warm air can enter the unit and cause condensation, which can lead to water leakage.

4. Low Refrigerant Levels:

 Another cause of water leakage from portable air conditioners is low refrigerant levels. Refrigerant is a substance that cools the air inside the air conditioning unit. When the refrigerant levels are low, the evaporator coil can get too cold, causing condensation to form and eventually leak out of the unit.

5. Faulty Condensate Pump:

 Portable air conditioners may also have a built-in condensate pump that pumps out the water collected in the unit. If this pump is not functioning properly, it can cause water to accumulate in the unit and eventually leak out.

6. High Humidity:

 High humidity levels can also cause water leakage from a portable air conditioner. When the humidity levels are high, the air conditioning unit has to work harder to cool the air, which can lead to excess condensation and water leakage.

7. Damaged Or Cracked Drain Pan:

A damaged or cracked drain pan can also cause water leakage from a portable air conditioner. Over time, the drain pan can develop cracks or other damage that can cause water to leak out of the unit.

8. Inadequate Drainage:

If the drainage system is not adequately sized for the unit or is not sloped properly, it can cause water to accumulate and eventually leak out of the unit.

How to Fix:

We will explore four common causes of portable air conditioner water leaks and how to fix them.

1. Check The Drainage Hose:

 One of the most common causes of water leakage in a portable air conditioner is a clogged drainage hose. This hose is responsible for removing excess water from the air conditioning unit, and if it becomes clogged with dirt, debris, or other materials, it can cause water to build up and leak out of the unit.

To fix this issue, first, turn off the air conditioner and unplug it from the power source. Locate the drainage hose, which is typically located at the back of the unit near the bottom. Remove the hose from the unit and use a pipe cleaner or other small object to clear any debris that may be blocking the hose. Once the hose is clear, reattach it to the unit and turn the air conditioner back on. This should prevent any further water leakage.

2. Clean The Air Filter:

 Another common cause of water leakage in a portable air conditioner is a dirty or clogged air filter. When the air filter becomes clogged with dirt and dust, it can cause the air conditioning unit to work harder than it should, leading to excess condensation and water leakage.

To fix this issue, start by turning off the air conditioner and unplugging it from the power source. Locate the air filter, which is typically located at the front or side of the unit. Remove the filter and clean it with a vacuum cleaner or by washing it with water and mild soap. Make sure to dry the filter completely before putting it back in the unit.

If the air filter is damaged or beyond repair, you may need to replace it. Refer to the user manual or manufacturer’s instructions for guidance on how to do this.

3. Check The Window Kit:

The window kit is part of the portable air conditioner that connects to the window or sliding door. If the kit is not properly installed or sealed, it can cause warm air from outside to enter the room and mix with the cool air from the air conditioning unit. This can lead to excess condensation and water leakage.

To fix this issue, make sure that the window kit is properly installed and sealed. Check for any gaps or openings where warm air could be entering the room. If necessary, use weather-stripping or foam insulation to seal any gaps.

4. Reduce Humidity Levels:

If the air conditioner is working properly and all the components are clean and in good condition, water leakage may be caused by high humidity levels in the room. This can be particularly common in areas with high levels of humidity or during the rainy season.

To fix this issue, try reducing the humidity levels in the room by using a dehumidifier or opening windows and doors to increase ventilation. You can also try using fans to circulate the air and help the air conditioning unit remove excess moisture.

If none of these solutions works, it may be necessary to contact a professional technician to inspect the air conditioning unit and identify any underlying issues that may be causing the water leakage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why Is My Portable Air Conditioner Leaking Water?

There are a few possible reasons for this. One common cause is that the drainage system is clogged or not functioning properly, causing the water to overflow. Another possibility is that the unit is not level, which can cause the water to pool and then leak out. Finally, if the air conditioner is running constantly or in humid conditions, it may produce more condensation than the unit can handle, leading to leaks.

2. How Can I Prevent My Portable Air Conditioner From Leaking Water?

To prevent leaks, make sure the unit is level and the drainage system is clear. You can also reduce the amount of condensation by keeping the room well-ventilated and using the air conditioner in a lower setting.

3. What Should I Do If My Portable Air Conditioner Is Leaking Water?

 If you notice water leaking from your air conditioner, turn off the unit immediately and unplug it from the wall. Check the drainage system and clear any clogs, then try running the unit again. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer or a professional technician for further assistance.

4. Is It Normal For A Portable Air Conditioner To Leak Water?

It is not unusual for a portable air conditioner to produce some condensation, but excessive leaking is not normal and should be addressed immediately. Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the drainage system and ensuring the unit is level, can help prevent leaks from occurring.

5. Can A Portable Air Conditioner Be Repaired If It Is Leaking Water?

In many cases, leaks in portable air conditioners can be fixed by cleaning the drainage system or levelling the unit. However, if the problem persists or is caused by a more serious issue, such as a malfunctioning compressor, it may be necessary to replace the unit or seek professional repair services.


If you are experiencing water leakage from your portable air conditioner, it is important to identify the cause of the problem and take the necessary steps to fix it. Regular maintenance of your air conditioning unit, such as cleaning the air filter and checking the drainage system, can help prevent water leakage and extend the life of your unit.