How to Print Business Cards on Epson Printer – Step by Step Guide

Looking to print business cards on your Epson printer? You’ve come to the right place! In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of printing professional-looking business cards using your Epson printer, along with some handy tips and printing techniques along the way.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a freelancer, or just want to create personalized business cards for networking events, printing your own cards on an Epson printer is a convenient and cost-effective solution. Let’s get started!

Choose the Right Cardstock for Your Printer

When it comes to printing business cards on your Epson printer, selecting the right cardstock is crucial for achieving professional results. Here are some key factors to consider when choosing the perfect cardstock:

Printer Compatibility

Before purchasing cardstock, ensure that it is compatible with your Epson printer. Check the printer manual or manufacturer’s website for the recommended cardstock weight and thickness. Using cardstock that is too heavy or thick may cause paper jams or damage to the printer.

Paper Weight

The weight of the cardstock is another important consideration. Most business cards are typically printed on 80-pound cover weight cardstock, but you may opt for a heavier weight of up to 110 lb for added durability. However, ensure that your printer can handle the selected weight without any issues.

Glossy Paper vs. Coated Cardstock

Consider the finish of the cardstock as well. Glossy paper can produce vibrant and glossy prints, but it may not be suitable for laser printers as the heat can cause the ink to stick or smudge. For inkjet printers, coated cardstock is recommended to ensure crisp and clear printing results.

Manual Feed or Rear Tray

Lastly, some printers have a “manual feed” slot or an adjustable rear tray specifically designed to accommodate thicker paper, such as cardstock. Utilizing these features reduces the risk of paper bending or jams during the printing process.

Printer CompatibilityPaper WeightGlossy Paper vs. Coated CardstockManual Feed or Rear Tray
Coated cardstock is recommended for inkjet printers80 lb cover weight for standard business cardsGlossy paper may not be suitable for laser printersUtilize “manual feed” slot or adjustable rear tray for thicker paper
Avoid cardstock that is too heavy or thickUp to 110 lb for added durabilityUtilize a “manual feed” slot or adjustable rear tray for thicker paperReduces the risk of bending or jams

Choose the Right Size and Layout for Your Business Cards

When it comes to printing business cards, choosing the right size and layout is crucial for creating a professional and visually appealing result. The size of your business card will depend on your location and personal preference. In the United States, the standard size for business cards is 2 x 3½ inches, while in Europe it is commonly 55 x 85 mm. Chinese business cards typically measure 54 x 90 mm. Consider the size that is most convenient for your area and target audience.

Once you have determined the size of your business cards, it’s time to plan the layout. A well-designed layout should include essential details such as your business logo, name, job title, company name, and contact information. It’s also a good idea to include any other relevant information, such as social media handles or a tagline. Sketching a rough layout before printing will help you visualize the final design and make any necessary adjustments.

Standard Business Card Sizes

United States2 x 3½ inches
Europe55 x 85 mm
China54 x 90 mm

Remember that the layout should be clear and easy to read. Avoid cluttering the card with too much information or using fonts that are difficult to read. A well-designed business card will leave a lasting impression on potential clients or customers, so take the time to create a layout that reflects your brand and professionalism.

business cards

By selecting the right size and layout for your business cards, you can ensure that they stand out and effectively represent your brand. Take the time to plan and design your business cards carefully to make a lasting impression on your target audience.

Design and Prepare Your Business Card Layout

When it comes to designing your business card layout, there are several software options available that can help you create a professional and visually appealing design. Two popular choices are Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft Word.

Microsoft Publisher is specifically designed for graphic layout and comes with various templates for business cards. It offers a wide range of options for customization, allowing you to create a unique and eye-catching design that represents your brand effectively. Additionally, Microsoft Publisher provides tools for aligning and positioning elements on your business card, ensuring a professional and polished result.

If you prefer using Microsoft Word, there are also templates available for basic business card designs. While Word may not have the same advanced design features as Publisher, it can still be a useful tool for creating straightforward business card layouts. You can choose a template that matches your design preferences and customize it by adding your logo, contact information, and any other relevant details.


When designing your business card layout, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. First, ensure that your design is visually appealing and consistent with your brand identity. Use appropriate fonts, colors, and graphics that represent your business in a professional manner. Additionally, make sure that all important information, such as your name, job title, company name, and contact details, is clearly displayed and easy to read.

Furthermore, consider whether you want to include a reverse side on your business card. The reverse side can be used to provide additional information, such as a tagline, a brief description of your services, or your social media handles. However, be mindful of not overcrowding the card with too much text or graphics, as it can make the design appear cluttered and difficult to read.

Create Your Business Card Layout in Microsoft Publisher

1. Launch Microsoft PublisherOpen Microsoft Publisher on your computer.
2. Select a Business Card TemplateChoose a business card template that suits your style and needs. Publisher offers a variety of pre-designed templates to choose from.
3. Customize the TemplateCustomize the template by adding your business logo, name, job title, contact information, and any other relevant details. You can also tweak the design elements, such as colors and fonts, to match your brand identity.
4. Preview and SavePreview your business card layout to ensure everything looks as desired. Make any necessary adjustments, and then save the file in your preferred format.

Create Your Business Card Layout in Microsoft Word

1. Launch Microsoft WordOpen Microsoft Word on your computer.
2. Access Business Card TemplatesClick on the “File” tab, then select “New” to open the template gallery. Type “business card” in the search bar to browse available business card templates.
3. Choose a TemplateSelect a template that suits your style and needs. Word offers a range of templates, including basic designs and more elaborate options.
4. Customize the TemplateCustomize the template by adding your business logo, name, job title, contact information, and any other relevant details. Adjust the design elements, such as font styles and sizes, to match your brand identity.
5. Preview and SavePreview your business card layout to ensure everything looks as desired. Make any necessary adjustments, and then save the file in your preferred format.

Print Your Business Cards

Now that you have designed your business card layout, it’s time to print your cards. Follow these steps to ensure a successful printing process:

  • Load a stack of cardstock into the printer’s input tray.
  • In your printing software, select the number of copies you want to print. If you have multiple designs on a single sheet, choose the option for multiple copies per sheet.
  • Adjust the printer settings according to your preferences. Ensure that the paper type is set to cardstock or heavy paper and the print quality is set to the desired level.
  • If you have a two-sided business card, look for the “duplex” option in the settings. This will allow the printer to automatically print on both sides of the cardstock. If your printer doesn’t have duplex capability, you can print the front side first, then manually flip the paper to print the back.
  • Before printing on the cardstock, it’s always a good idea to print a test page on regular paper. This will help you ensure that the alignment is correct and make any necessary adjustments before printing on the actual cardstock.

Once you have confirmed the settings and alignment, click the print button and let your Epson printer work its magic. Depending on the quantity of business cards you’re printing, the process may take a few minutes.

After the printing is complete, carefully remove the printed cardstock from the printer. Allow the ink to dry completely before handling the cards to avoid smudging.

Remember, printing your business cards at home gives you the flexibility to make changes and print on-demand. However, if you’re looking for a more professional finish or have a large quantity to print, you may consider using a print shop or online printing service for high-quality results.

printing business cards

Cut and Clean the Business Card Edges

Once your business cards are printed, it’s time to give them a professional finish by cutting and cleaning the edges. Follow these simple steps to achieve clean and polished business cards:

  • Using a pair of sharp scissors or a paper cutter, carefully cut along the guidelines to separate each business card from the sheet. Take your time to ensure clean and straight cuts.
  • If you use thick cardstock, you may notice sharp edges that can be a bit rough. To smoothen the edges, grab a piece of fine-grit sandpaper and gently rub it along the edges. This will remove any roughness and create a clean and professional finish.
  • After sanding the edges, use a clean cloth or tissue to wipe away any residue from the sandpaper. This will ensure that no debris is left on the cards.

Your business cards are now ready to make a lasting impression! By cutting and cleaning the edges, you add that extra touch of professionalism and attention to detail. Remember to handle the cards with care to avoid smudging the ink or damaging the paper.

Check out the table below for a quick summary of the steps involved in cutting and cleaning the business card edges:

1Cut along the guidelines to separate each business card.
2Use sandpaper to smoothen the edges.
3Wipe away any residue from the sandpaper.

With this simple step, you can ensure that your business cards have a professional and polished look. The clean edges will make your cards stand out and leave a positive impression on potential clients and contacts. Now that you’ve mastered the art of cutting and cleaning the business card edges, it’s time to share your new cards and make lasting connections!

Tips for Quality Business Card Printing

When printing business cards at home using your Epson printer, it’s important to be aware of the limitations of your home printer in terms of print quality. While home printers can generally produce satisfactory results, they may not always meet professional standards. If achieving high-quality prints is a priority for you, consider using alternative options such as office printers or professional printing services.

Office printers are designed for higher-volume printing and may offer better print quality compared to home printers. They often have more advanced printing technology and produce sharper, more vibrant colors. This can be particularly beneficial if your business cards feature intricate designs or vibrant graphics.

Alternatively, you can explore professional printing services at local print shops or online printers. These services typically utilize high-end printing equipment and offer a wide range of customization options. While they may be more expensive compared to printing at home, they can provide superior print quality and professional finishes.

Printer QualityHome Printer LimitationsPrint ShopsOnline Printers
Varies depending on printer model and brandMay not meet professional standardsOffer higher print quality and customization optionsUtilize high-end printing equipment for superior results
May produce satisfactory results for basic designsLimited color accuracy and sharpnessCan be more expensive, especially for large ordersA wide range of customization options is available
May require adjustments and experimentationMay not be suitable for designs with intricate detailsProfessional finishes and high-quality print materialsConvenient online ordering and delivery

Tips for Optimal Business Card Printing

  • If using a home printer, ensure the printer is clean and well-maintained to minimize print quality issues.
  • Experiment with different print settings and paper types to find the combination that yields the best results.
  • Consider using high-quality cardstock specifically designed for business cards to enhance the overall look and feel of your prints.
  • Proofread your design thoroughly before printing to avoid any errors or typos on your business cards.

By being aware of your home printer’s limitations and exploring alternative printing options, you can ensure that your business cards have the professional look and feel that you desire. Experiment with different techniques and materials to find the best printing solution for your specific needs.

Additional Considerations and Recommendations

When printing business cards on an inkjet printer, it’s important to consider the type of ink being used. Most inkjet printers use dye inks, which provide vibrant colors but may fade over time. However, some inkjet printers use pigment ink, which is fade-resistant and ideal for long-lasting prints. If you want your business cards to maintain their quality and color over time, consider using an inkjet printer with pigment ink.

To ensure optimal text readability on your business cards, you can enable the text enhancement option in your printer settings. This feature enhances the sharpness and clarity of text, making it easier to read. By enabling text enhancement, you can create business cards that stand out and convey your information effectively.

Another important consideration when printing business cards is the choice of business card paper. Different types of paper can affect the print quality and durability of your cards. It’s recommended to use paper specifically designed for business cards, as they are thicker and more durable than regular printer paper. Additionally, some business card papers are coated to enhance the color and finish of the print. Choose a paper that is compatible with your printer and provides the desired quality and finish for your business cards.

Printer TypeRecommended InkText EnhancementBusiness Card Paper
InkjetPigment InkEnable text enhancement optionThicker and coated business card paper
inkjet printer

By considering these additional factors, you can maximize the quality and longevity of your business card prints. With the right inkjet printer, pigment ink, text enhancement settings, and business card paper, you can create professional-looking business cards that leave a lasting impression on potential clients and partners.


Printing business cards on an Epson printer at home is a convenient and affordable option for creating professional-looking cards. By following the step-by-step guide and incorporating the printing tips provided, you can achieve impressive results right from your home office. Whether you need business cards for networking events, client meetings, or promotional purposes, your Epson printer can deliver the quality you desire.

Remember, choosing the right cardstock is crucial for a successful print. Consider the maximum weight your printer can handle and opt for coated cardstock for inkjet printers or a suitable alternative for laser printers. Additionally, pay attention to the size and layout of your business cards to ensure they meet industry standards and convey all the necessary information.

When it’s time to print, make sure to adjust the printer settings accordingly and perform a test print on regular paper before using the cardstock. This allows you to confirm proper alignment and avoid wasting expensive materials. Lastly, don’t forget to neatly cut and clean the edges of your printed business cards for a polished and professional look.

With these printing tips and your Epson printer, you have the power to create eye-catching business cards that leave a lasting impression. So go ahead, unleash your creativity, and start printing your own personalized business cards today!


1. How Do I Choose The Right Cardstock For My Epson Printer?

Look up the maximum cardstock weight your printer can handle and consider the finish of the cardstock. Check the printer manual for paper weight specifications and avoid using glossy paper with incompatible laser printers. Inkjet printers require coated cardstock for a crisp image.

2. What Size Should My Business Cards Be?

Standard business cards in the United States measure 2 x 3½”, while the most common European size is 55 x 85 mm. Chinese business cards are usually 54 x 90mm. Choose the size that is most convenient for your area.

3. What Software Can I Use To Design My Business Card Layout?

You can use software such as Microsoft Publisher or Microsoft Word. Microsoft Publisher offers various templates for business cards, while Microsoft Word also has templates available for basic designs.

4. How Do I Print My Business Cards?

Load a stack of cardstock into the printer’s input tray and select the number of copies you want to print in Microsoft Word. Choose the appropriate printer settings, including the duplex option for two-sided business cards. If your printer doesn’t support duplex printing, print the front side first, then manually flip the paper to print the backside.

5. How Do I Cut And Clean The Edges Of My Business Cards?

Carefully cut each business card from the sheet using scissors or a paper cutter. If your cardstock is thick, you can use sandpaper to smoothen the edges and create a clean finish.

6. What Are The Limitations Of Printing Business Cards At Home?

Home printers may have limitations in terms of print quality. If the print quality doesn’t meet your standards, consider using an office printer or investing in a higher-end home printer. Alternatively, you can also opt for professional printing services at local print shops or online business card printers.

7. What Should I Consider When Using An Inkjet Printer?

Most home printers use dye inks, but some may use pigment ink. Make sure to use the appropriate cardstock that is compatible with your printer. You can enable the text enhancement option in the printer settings to enhance text recognition.

8. What Are Some Additional Considerations And Recommendations?

Consider the type of ink used in your inkjet printer and always use the appropriate business card paper. If you are not satisfied with the print quality of your home printer, explore other printing options like professional print shops or online printers.