The Ultimate Guide to Deleting and Managing TikTok Videos

TikTok, the global sensation of short-form video content, has taken the world by storm. It’s a platform where users can express themselves, share their creativity, and engage with a vast online community. From entertaining dance routines to hilarious lip-syncs and insightful life hacks, TikTok offers it all. But what happens when you want to clean up your profile or remove content you no longer want to be associated with?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to delete TikTok videos, discard drafts, and even keep your videos private. By the end, you’ll be a pro at managing your TikTok content.

Understanding TikTok’s Appeal and Deletion Motives

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of video deletion on TikTok, let’s start with the basics. TikTok is a social media platform designed for creating, sharing, and discovering short-form video content. Users flock to TikTok for a variety of reasons, such as:

1. Creativity And Expression

TikTok empowers individuals to express their creativity and showcase their talents in 15 to 60-second video clips. Whether you’re an aspiring dancer, comedian, or DIY enthusiast, TikTok provides a platform for self-expression.

2. Entertainment

Endless hours of entertainment are just a scroll away. TikTok’s “For You Page” (FYP) algorithm tailors content to your interests, ensuring a constant stream of entertaining and relatable videos.

3. Community

TikTok fosters a global community where users engage with one another through comments, likes, duets, and collaborations. It’s a place to connect with like-minded individuals and discover new perspectives.

4. Learning Opportunities

From life hacks to educational content, TikTok offers a plethora of informative videos. Many users turn to TikTok to learn new skills, from cooking and home improvement to foreign languages and academic subjects.

However, there comes a time when you may want to remove videos from your profile for various reasons. Perhaps you’ve outgrown your old content, or you’ve changed your mind about sharing a particular video. Whatever the reason, it’s important to know how to manage your TikTok content effectively.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of deleting TikTok videos, both those you’ve posted and those you’re still editing. We’ll also explore how to get rid of drafts and discuss an alternative option for those who want to make their videos private instead of deleting them.

How To Delete A Tiktok Video You’ve Posted

When you decide to remove a TikTok video that you’ve already posted, the process is relatively straightforward. Here is a step-by-step manual to assist you in carrying out that:

1. Open the TikTok App

Begin by launching the TikTok app on your mobile device and log in to your account if you haven’t already.

2. Access Your Profile

At the bottom right of your screen, click the “Profile” icon. This will take you to your profile page, where all your uploaded videos are displayed.

3. Choose the Video

Scroll through your list of videos and find the one you wish to delete. When you find it, tap the video to start it.

4. Delete the Video

In the bottom-right corner of the video, you’ll see a set of icons. Tap the three dots (ellipsis) icon (•••) to access the video’s options. Select the “Delete” option.

5. Confirm Deletion

TikTok will prompt you to confirm the deletion of the video. Confirm your choice, and the video will be removed from your profile and the TikTok platform.

It’s important to note that once you delete a video, it cannot be recovered. So, make sure you’re certain about your decision.

How to Delete a Video You’re Editing in TikTok

Sometimes, you might change your mind about a video you’re in the process of editing. Thankfully, TikTok allows you to discard such videos easily. Here’s how to do it:

1. Access Your Drafts

Open the TikTok app, and if required, log in. An “+” icon can be found on the app’s home screen.

Tap it to start creating a new video. After you’ve recorded or edited a video, it will be saved as a draft.

2. View Your Drafts

In the video recording/editing screen, you’ll notice a “Drafts” button on the top left corner of your screen. Tap it to access your drafts.

3. Discard the Video

Scroll through your drafts until you find the video you want to delete. Tap on it to open the video, and then tap the “Delete” option, typically represented by a trash can icon.

4. Confirm Deletion

As with deleting posted videos, TikTok will ask for confirmation. Confirm your choice and the video will be permanently discarded.

How to Delete Your TikTok Drafts

As your collection of drafts grows, it’s essential to know how to clean the house and remove those videos you no longer wish to keep. Here’s how you can delete your TikTok drafts:

1. Access Your Drafts

Open the TikTok app, and if required, log in. Navigate to the video recording/editing screen by tapping the “+” icon on the main screen. From there, tap the “Drafts” button on the top left corner to view your drafts.

2. Select Multiple Drafts

If you wish to delete multiple drafts at once, you can do so. Simply tap the checkbox icon located next to each draft to select the videos you want to remove.

3. Delete Selected Drafts

Once you’ve selected the drafts you want to delete, tap the “Delete” button, typically represented by a trash can icon. You’ll be prompted by TikTok to confirm your choice.

4. Confirm Deletion

Confirm your choice, and the selected drafts will be permanently deleted.

This method is an efficient way to declutter your drafts and free up space for new video ideas.

Instead Of Deleting Them, TikTok Videos Should Be Made Private

There may be times when you don’t want to completely remove a video but would prefer to keep it private. TikTok allows you to do just that by changing the privacy settings for individual videos. Here’s how:

1. Open the TikTok App

Open the TikTok app and sign into your account first.

2. Access Your Profile

Tap on the “Profile” icon located at the bottom right corner of your screen to go to your profile page.

3. Choose the Video

Scroll through your videos and find the one you want to make private. When you find it, tap the video to start it.

4. Change Privacy Settings

In the bottom-right corner of the video, tap the three dots (•••) icon to access the video’s options. Select the “Privacy” option.

5. Set Video to Private

In the privacy settings, you can choose to set the video to “Private.” When a video is set to private, it will only be visible to you, and it won’t appear on your public profile.

6. Save Changes

After setting the video to private, save your changes. The video will now be private, and only you can view it.

Making your videos private is a great option if you’re concerned about privacy, but still want to retain access to your content.


In the fast-paced world of TikTok, it’s crucial to know how to manage your videos effectively. Whether you want to delete a published video, discard a draft, or make a video private, TikTok offers these options to maintain control over your content.

Deleting videos can be a useful way to clean up your profile, while keeping videos private allows you to maintain access without sharing them with the world. Choose the method that best suits your needs, and feel confident in managing your TikTok presence.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about The Ultimate Guide to Deleting and Managing TikTok Videos

1. Can I Recover A Deleted TikTok Video?

No, a TikTok video that has been deleted cannot be recovered. TikTok permanently removes the video from the platform, and there is no way to retrieve it. Therefore, it’s essential to think carefully before deciding to delete any content.

2. How Many Drafts Can I Have On TikTok?

TikTok allows users to have up to 100 drafts in their accounts. If you exceed this limit, you’ll need to delete some drafts to make room for new ones.

3. Can I Change A Video From Private Back To Public On TikTok?

Yes, you can change the privacy settings of a video from private back to public at any time. Simply locate the video, access the privacy settings, and switch it back to “Public.” Keep in mind that when you make a private video public, it will be visible to all TikTok users.

4. What Happens When I Make A Video Private On TikTok?

When you set a video to “Private” on TikTok, it becomes invisible to other users on the platform. It will only be visible to you. It won’t appear on your public profile, and other users won’t be able to find it through searches or browsing.

5. Why Might I Want To Keep A Video Private Instead Of Deleting It?

Keeping a video private on TikTok can be useful for several reasons. You might want to retain access to the video for personal memories or reference while ensuring that it’s not visible to the public. Additionally, if you change your mind later, you can easily make a private video public again, whereas deleted videos cannot be recovered.