What to Do If a Black Spot Spreads on Your Phone’s Screen

The screen is the most visually appealing aspect of your phone, but it is also the most sensitive component. That is why it needs extra care and attention. Physical damage to your screen often appears as visible fractures in the glass, but you may also notice what looks to be an ink stain (blot) or leaking pixels. Begin by addressing the issues that may lead to this problem:

1. Pixels that have died

Dead pixels are the most prevalent cause of a black spot (or spots) on your screen. Pixels are the individual light sources that allow your screen to create images.LEDs now illuminate nearly all pixels. These are semiconductors that emit light and come in various forms and sizes. The LEDs on your phone screen will produce red, blue, or green light.

A variety of factors can result in dead pixels. They occasionally burn out. They also are injured by impact or exposure to potentially harmful materials (like water).


When pixels die, the software cannot fix the problem. The damaged pixels must be repaired or replaced. In almost all cases, this means the screen needs to be replaced. Individual pixels can technically be replaced, but they are so small on modern screens that it is not worth the time and money.

The requisite tools and skills are both expensive and hard to come by. Screen replacements, on the other hand, are reasonably priced. You may buy a DIY screen replacement kit or take your phone to a repair shop. In any case, changing the screen is frequently less expensive than replacing the entire phone.

In some instances, the black spot will keep spreading toward other screen areas; this comes down to a few factors. If dead pixels are spreading over the screen, it suggests that something is causing more and more pixels to be damaged over time.

It signifies that your screen is damaged and spreading. Fractures in glass, like cracks in a windshield, can spider web and propagate throughout the glass. On the phone, this might result in an increasing number of dead pixels. If the pixels are just stuck, it shows that the control problem is worsening.

2. Additional pressure

When it comes to LCD panels, they might suffer from external pressure. You’ve undoubtedly seen the colors distort and darken beneath your fingertips if you’ve ever pressed on an LCD panel.

That isn’t a problem with newer phones since the touch screen is thick and sturdy enough that tapping it doesn’t exert much force on the LCD portion of the screen.


When LCD pressure is the issue, you must enter the phone to determine the source of the internal pressure requiring the removal of the screen.

There are DIY kits and guides available, but if unsure, phone repair companies and specialists can help. The pressure is likely caused by a bulging battery. If removing the battery reduces the swelling, you’ve discovered the source of the problem.

You should be alright if you replace the battery. If the battery isn’t the problem, search for symptoms of twisted or broken components that may be pushing against the screen. The pressure will be relieved by unbending or replacing these components. Even when you release the pressure, the condition may continue. Signifying that the pressure was high enough to damage the LCD tubes, and you will need to make additional repairs.

3. Stuck pixels

Because other components must inform the pixels what to do to generate a picture, such instructions might become jumbled. When this happens, a pixel may become stuck. It will be the wrong color or doing something else when it should be doing something else. This is prevalent in liquid crystal displays (LCDs).

The liquid crystals inform the pixels what to perform, and communication issues can cause dark patches on the screen. Again, this is unlikely to spread over time, but it has the potential to do so. The good news is that this is one of the easier problems to resolve.


The easiest thing to repair on this list is stuck pixels. The problem stems from the digital control systems. That implies you can use software to unstick pixels. You may hunt for a stuck pixel repair tool in your app store or on other websites.

It will run for a few seconds to several minutes. It cycles through the pixel controllers to reset the mechanism. When everything is reset, the pixels unstick thus screen resumes regular operation.

4. LCD Subsystems

LCDs, for instance, feature a slew of tubes that hold the liquid crystals. These tubes can break, allowing liquid to flow out. When this occurs, you will notice a black patch on the screen. Significantly, the black area will remain even if the screen is off.

The discoloration caused by leaking tubes indicates that your phone’s screen is in bad condition. Furthermore, the liquid might spill and grow with time, which can cause the black area to extend across the screen.


Black spots are due to cracked or damaged LCD tubes. Even rarer problems often involve significant screen damage. You’re looking at a screen replacement in all of these scenarios. Check all of your warranties to determine whether they cover all or part of the repair work to make your life easier.

Accidental damage policies usually are created for situations like these. Many screen protectors have a guarantee covering some or all of the repair costs. Examine all of your prospective warranties to see if you may save any money.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on mobile phone issues and their diagnostics

1. My phone has a Poor Battery Life what shall I do?

Several things might impact your battery life, and you should consider them before you lose your battery. Some of the solutions include:


Attempting to reduce screen brightness and turning off GPS, WiFi, and Bluetooth if not in use. You may also enable the Battery Saving Mode to check whether it extends the life of your battery. You should also check your Battery Usage in your phone Settings to discover which apps are using the most battery. If you rarely use them, you can shut or disable the ones using the most battery.

2. How do I solve a damaged charging port issue?

Charging ports tend to degrade with time. Some of the reasons for this degeneration are misuse and filth. An expert is required to handle this typical issue. You may, however, try some things to see if it works again. To solve this:


Clean the charging port with a clean, dry toothbrush. You may also wipe it with a dry cotton swab to remove dust and grime preventing your charging port from working correctly.

3. What to do if my phone is overheating?

Overheating phones is sometimes associated with battery issues. However, it might be connected to your charger or the location where you usually keep your phone. If you are experiencing this, you should address it as quickly as possible since your battery and phone screen may be badly damaged. To diagnose this issue:


Carry your phone in a cool, dry place, away from the sun’s rays. You may also “refresh” your phone for a few minutes before using it again.

4. My phone is lagging how do I solve this problem?

Everyone has had at least one encounter like this. It is the most prevalent mobile phone problem, and it is often related to older phones. However, newer gadgets may exhibit the same issue. When your phone’s Random-Access Memory (RAM) is packed with programs and files you don’t use or require, it responds slowly. To solve this:


Clean your phone by closing/deleting applications and clearing the cache data. If you recently installed an app and your phone isn’t operating well, delete it and check if your phone becomes quicker. If this does not work, you might try storing crucial files on Google Drive, Dropbox, or your PC. Then you may restore your phone to factory settings.

5. My phone Camera is blurry what can I do?

Smartphones have undeniably replaced digital cameras for many individuals. However, it is very frustrating to see your handset taking subpar photos.


When this happens, your phone’s camera lens (glass) may become dirty. All you need to do is take a soft cloth and try to clean the camera glass. If cleaning the lens does not solve the problem, it is time to see a technician.

6. Problem with the Speaker buzzing.

Among all phone problems, the speaker appears to be one of the most frequent, as more users are actively involved in playing MP3s at high volume, causing speakers to burst and require replacement. When the phone rings or you try to play a video or music, this problem usually results in distorted or no sound.


When the ringer becomes moist and covered by particles over time, oxidation occurs as a result of a chemical reaction, affecting the ringer’s performance. The problem could be solved by cleaning the oxidized surface with alcohol or methylated spirit and a toothbrush.